
I. Am.

…David Brown Jr. (aka Dr. DBJ). As the founder of David Brown Jr. Enterprises (DBJE), I am an authenticity thought leader, executive coach and consultant. I have held senior leadership positions in both large and small organizations that have spanned multiple industries...from financial and professional services to facilities management. What all of those opportunities had in common is that I was able to successfully lead through cultural shifts and transformational change. In starting DBJE, I have integrated my professional experience with research to develop approaches that support transformational change in human beings and organizations using authenticity as a foundation.

Why Authenticity?

I used to coach leaders on closing the gap between their "personal" and "professional" selves. Essentially, seeing them as one and the same is the perspective that allows a leader to understand how they can't really separate themselves from who they truly are. We bring all parts of ourselves to wherever we are. It's just a matter of how much we reveal. As a doctoral student at the Fox School of Business at Temple University, my research findings supported how highly authentic leaders can be catalysts for transformational change in their organizations. Since authenticity is a ubiquitous and not fully-understood concept, I saw an opportunity to develop foundational language and tools that can improve the way leaders and organizations function.

What Do I Hope to Accomplish?

I view leaders as "gate keepers of systems". My hope is to support leaders and their organizations in a way that delivers desirable outcomes and improves performance. Ultimately I believe that increasing global authenticity holds the potential to shift the systems and paradigms that we currently operate within. Less suffering, less judgment, more peace and we all have more than enough to meet our needs. That’s the world I desire to help create. The path to realizing this potential starts with YOU. If you want to lead into the future, you have to embody the change you want to see, first. I just want to be the catalyst to help you get there!

Are you ready to take this journey of authenticity with me?!